PPG Minutes: 24 June 2024

1. Attendees and Apologies

Present: Chair Tony, Dr Singh, Louise, Claire , Sandra and Caroline (note taker).

Apologies:  Buphi, Mark, Debbie, Basil (Student), Barbara, Susan, Jen, Norman and Malvika (Student).


2. Review of Meeting 14 April and any Action Points

The confidential agreement has been signed by some of the members of the Group. Will follow up at the next meeting.

The notes of the last meeting on 14 April 2024 were approved.


3. Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report. Tony agreed to contact the student representatives.


4. Treasurer's Report

The balance available was discussed. £1,063.34.


5. Parking Update

KS gave a verbal update at the meeting. A further meeting was due to be held in July. The Practice felt that the Project Manager has been very helpful sorting out the issues.


6. Review of PCN/PPG event – 23rd May – Dementia and Carers

Discussion around the recent presentation held on the 23rd May. There were approximately 55-60 attendees with lots of questions being asked.

The feedback was that the presentation was excellent. The handout from the presentation is to be added to the website and hard copies are available at reception. 


7. Next Presentation – 15th October – Men’s Health

Proposed to hold the meeting at the Maidstone Hospital Academic Centre. Further details will be circulated to the PPG once details have been finalised.


8. Any Other Business

Bearsted PPG has posted an advert in the local community magazine. Discussion around whether we should do something similar. Minor operations being considered at Grove Green Surgery. Surgery has hired a Podiatrist (a doctor who specialises in feet and ankles) and is available for home visits.

There are now 16,000 patients and the list is currently closed to new patients.


9. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 25th November at 6:00pm at Shepway Surgery.

Date of next meeting

Monday 24 June at 6pm at Shepway Surgery.