PPG Minutes: 14th April 2024

1. Attendees and Apologies

Present: Chair Tony, Kulvinder, Louise, Claire, Susan , Jen, Sandra, Norman, Malvika (student) and Caroline (CF) note taker

Apologies:  Buphi, Mark, Debbie, Basil (Student), Micheal, Barbara.


2. Welcome to new members

Sandra, Norman and Malvika.


3. Review of Meeting 19 February and any Action Points

Confidential Issues – do we need to ask members of this group to sign a confidentiality agreement? Agreed that LS will draft a form for members to sign.

The notes of the last meeting on 19 February 2024 were approved.


4. Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report.


5. Treasurer's Report

The balance available was discussed.


6. Premises Update

KS gave a verbal update at the meeting.


7. Planning for PCN/PPG event – 23rd May – Dementia and Carers

Discussion around the next planned event on the 23rd May. This event will be held at Maidstone Hospital in the Post Graduate Centre.

Parking will be free.

There will be sufficient time at the end of the presentation for questions.

The PPG will provide support as required.


8. Impact of parking restrictions at Shepway Surgery from 15 April

With the redevelopment by Golding Homes (GH) parking at the surgery has become an issue. Going forward the number of patient and staff parking spaces will be very limited. GH is to attend a meeting with the Practice Tuesday week to discuss options.

Agreed that a notice needs to go on the website advising patients that parking at Shepway will be very limited for the time being.

CS to action.


9. Grove Green Surgery

Discussion around the Grove Green surgery and it not being fit for purpose regarding its size.


10. Any Other Business

Bearsted PPG has posted an advert in the local community magazine. Discussion around whether we should do something similar. Minor operations being considered at Grove Green Surgery. Surgery has hired a Podiatrist (a doctor who specialises in feet and ankles) and is available for home visits.

There are now 16,000 patients and the list is currently closed to new patients.

Date of next meeting

Monday 24 June at 6pm at Shepway Surgery.